We are continually working to introduce representation from new areas. Included in the IURPA family is a large number of vendor representatives with vast resources to help combat the growing problems of revenue losses suffered from alternative access to utility products. These vendors have been responsive to the needs expressed by our members.

Vendors become partners in IURPA as a result of their participation in the annual conference. The vendors support the conference through their provision of the vendor display area and social accompaniments. The vendors ensure that the Utility interest and needs are accommodated.

They constantly strive to improve the products and services they deliver. These vendors have committed themselves to the IURPA membership to “identify solutions” and “partner for improvements”.

IURPA would like to thank the following vendors for their continued support.

Click here to become a supporting vendor

2111 N. Molter Road
Liberty Lake, WA 99019
Highfield Manufacturing Company
5144 S. International Drive
Cudahy, WI 53110
DeWalch Technologies, Inc.
1441 Seamist Dr.
Houston, TX 77008
Inner-Tite Corporation
110 Industrial Drive
Holden, MA 01520

Brooks Utility Products
43045 West Nine Mile Road
Novi, MI 48375