Energy Theft is an International problem. Billions of dollars are stolen from Utilities annually. These costs are routinely passed along to customers in the form of higher rates. The International Utilities Revenue Protection Association has taken a proactive stance on Energy Theft. We have posted this form for YOU to use to report any situation you believe includes Energy Theft. It is our goal to stop all energy theft, thereby keeping YOUR rates from reflecting ANY theft related losses.
Energy Theft is also a public safety issue. Most instances discovered and corrected include real shock and fire hazards to the perpetrators, and often innocent family members, friends, and neighbors. These conditions can lead to property damage, personal injury, and even death.
Energy Theft IS A CRIME.
The International Utility Revenue Protection Association encourages you to assist them in their endeavor by reporting instances of suspected theft so they may be investigated and handled appropriately. Please fill out the form below to begin an investigation. The only information required is the address where you believe the theft is occurring, and what leads you to this conclusion. You may also fill out the other fields at your option. If you do, you may be contacted and asked to be a witness. Regardless you will remain anonymous if you so desire.
Please remember that any and all results from an Energy Theft investigation MUST remain confidential, until or unless the case goes to trial, at which time it becomes public record. In other words, even if your report is valid, we cannot divulge any information to you unless you are directly involved. All information will be forwarded to the appropriate agency in the area where the situation is reported. Once this is done, how the information is used is up to that agency.
Please fill out the following information and press the SUBMIT button: